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TCM Praxis Berlin|Akupunktur - Zur Person

Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin Praxis Dr. Huang

Dr. rer. med. Wenjing Huang


2017Promotion: Doktor der Medizinwissenschaften


2006Staatsexamen in Traditioneller Chinesischer Medizin (China)

2006Master in Traditioneller Chinesischer Medizin

2004Bachelor in Traditioneller Chinesischer Medizin


geb. 1983 in Chengdu, China


Bachlor- und Masterstudium in Traditioneller Chinesischer Medizin, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China


Projektkoordinatorin, International Education College, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China


Gastwissenschaftlerin, Institut für Sozialmedizin, Epidemiologie und Gesundheitsökonomie, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin


Doktoratsstudium der Medizinwissenschaften, Institut für Sozialmedizin, Epidemiologie und Gesundheitsökonomie, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin


Hospitation in verschiedenen Praxen und Krankenhäusern in Berlin (u.a. Die Naturheilkunde Abteilung am Immanuel Krankenhaus Berlin, TCM Praxis Dr. med. J. Wang, TCM Praxis Noll Berlin)


Tätigkeit als Heilpraktikerin für TCM


Übernahme des Akupunkturzentrums Kurfürstendamm Berlin



1. Nierhaus T, Pach D, Huang W, Long X, Napadow V, Roll S, Liang F, Pleger B, Villringer A, Witt CM. Difficulties Choosing Control Points in Acupuncture Research. Response: Commentary: Differential Cerebral Response, Measured with Both an EEG and fMRI, to Somatosensory Stimulation of a Single Acupuncture Point vs. Two Non-Acupuncture Points. Frontiers in human neuroscience. 2016;10:404.

2. Long X*, Huang W*, Napadow V, Liang F, Pleger B, Villringer A, Witt CM, Nierhaus T, Pach D. Sustained Effects of Acupuncture Stimulation Investigated with Centrality Mapping Analysis. Frontiers in human neuroscience. 2016;10:510. (*equal contribution)

3. Zheng Q, Zheng H, Lu L, Leng J, Zhou S, Zheng H, Huang W, Liu Z, Zhu B, Li Y. Acupuncture for functional constipation: protocol of an individual patient data meta-analysis. BMJ Open. 2015;5(5):e007137.

4. Tang LW, Zheng H, Chen L, Zhou SY, Huang WJ, Li Y, Wu X. Gray Matter Volumes in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2015.

5. Nierhaus T*, Pach D*, Huang W*, Long X, Napadow V, Roll S, Liang F, Pleger B, Villringer A, Witt CM. Differential cerebral response to somatosensory stimulation of an acupuncture point vs. two non-acupuncture points measured with EEG and fMRI. Frontiers in human neuroscience. 2015;9:74. (*equal contribution)

6. Zheng H, Huang W, Li J, Zheng Q, Li Y, Chang X, Sun G, Liang F. Association of pre- and post-treatment expectations with improvements after acupuncture in patients with migraine. Acupuncture in medicine : journal of the British Medical Acupuncture Society. 2014.

7. Zhou S, Zeng F, Liu J, Zheng H, Huang W, Liu T, Chen D, Qin W, Gong Q, Tian J, Li Y. Influence of acupuncture stimulation on cerebral network in functional diarrhea. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine :eCAM. 2013;2013:975769.

8. Blodt S, Schutzler L, Huang W, Pach D, Brinkhaus B, Hummelsberger J, Kirschbaum B, Kuhlmann K, Lao L, Liang F, Mietzner A, Mittring N, Muller S, Paul A, Pimpao-Niederle C, Roll S, Wu H, Zhu J, Witt C. Effectiveness of additional self-care acupressure for women with menstrual pain compared to usual care alone: using stakeholder engagement to design a pragmatic randomized trial and study protocol. Trials. 2013;14(1):99.

9. Witt CM, Huang WJ, Lao L, Bm B. Which research is needed to support clinical decision-making on integrative medicine?-Can comparative effectiveness research close the gap? Chinese journalof integrative medicine. 2012;18(10):723-729.

10. Li Y, Zheng H, Witt CM, Roll S, Yu SG, Yan J, Sun GJ, Zhao L, Huang WJ, Chang XR, Zhang HX, Wang DJ, Lan L, Zou R, Liang FR. Acupuncture for migraine prophylaxis: a randomized controlled trial. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Associationmedicalecanadienne. 2012;184(4):401-410.

11. Huang W, Pach D, Napadow V, Park K, Long X, Neumann J, Maeda Y, Nierhaus T, Liang F, Witt CM. Characterizing acupuncture stimuli using brain imaging with FMRI--a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature. PloS one. 2012;7(4):e32960.

12. Witt CM, Liang F, Huang W, Zeng F, Willich SN. First Sino-German International Symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2010;2(1):33-36.

13. Streitberger K, Shi J, Pfab F, Huang W, Witt CM, Duan Y, Willich SN. Acupuncture assisted anesthesia for nasal surgery as an example for integrative medicine in China. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2010;2(1):37-39.


1. Liang F, Ma T, Huang W, Wu X, Li Y, Ren Y, Zheng H, Fang L, Yang J, Liu M, Lan L. Theory and Methodology of Evidence-Based Medicine in Acupuncture Research. In: Xia Y, Ding G, Wu G-C, eds. Current Research in Acupuncture: Springer New York; 2013:601-20.

2. Liang F, Wu X, Li Y, Chen Q, Huang W, Ma T, Yin H, Mang L, Lan L, Zhu T, Zhu H, Liu M, Li X, Yang, X, et al. Evidence-based Acupuncture Research. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House; 2009.

3. Luo Y, Wu J, Jiang Q, Yu D, Zhong L, Lin H, Huang W, Li M, Yuan M, Li S, Xue H, Zhu Y, Li Y, et al. Fundamental Knowledge for Acupuncture and Moxibustion: Sichuan University Press; 2008.